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Creating a Ripple of Joy through connection
I LOVE JOY! I love experiencing Joy! I love sharing Joy! I want others to have Joy-filled lives! I mean, who doesn’t want more joy in their lives? What’s amazing about joy, is that it’s highly contagious! It’s hard not to smile, when you are with someone else who is smiling.
I believe joy mainly flows out of when you are delighted to be with people.
I feel our society has gone away from relational connection and has become high transactional and about trying to gain and accomplish instead of about people. At the same time, most people would say whom they love, their family and good relationships would be one of their highest values or desires.
If we learn to lead with good relationships and be about people first in our schools, families, jobs, churches and friendships, it would solve lots of our problems and we would all experience more joy!
I hope this all encourages you, moves you to experience more joy, and moves you to send the RIPPLE OF JOY to others in your life!
I don’t know where all this is headed but excited to be on this joy journey with you!
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